Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Woodbine News and Notes

A distinct lack of posting this week was due to the untimely death of our trusty laptop. Another one bytes the dust. Thusly, my Internet visits have been intermittent at best and provided me with just enough time to update my regular features such as Woodbine Entries/Results and the Woodbine News page.

Fortunately, after a week of work and (far too much) fun, the Triple Dead Heat clan will return home on Friday and regular posting will resume.

Until then, here's a couple links to tide you over.

For a good laugh, check out the tongue-in-cheek blogging of the Preakness courtesy of Blonde Champagne in a post entitled Notes From the Back of a Black-Eyed Susan, Edition V: The Baffert Strikes Back:

Annnnnnnnnnd here we are at the 135th Preakness Stakes… on tape delay. When the race was actually run, I was shining a laser pointer at John Glenn’s head and saying “um” every fourteen seconds. Because it’s my job, that’s why.

When I type “tape,” I use this term literally, and I use “literally” literally, unlike 99.99% of the population, because I mean… I watched this on a tape. The Colorado Art Ranch believes in communing with Tetanus Magic walls, but not DVR’s. We were, however, equipped with a middle-of-the-line VCR. I imagine if I dig around long enough, I will also uncover an Atari marinated in New Coke

Click the link above for more yuks.

For a little bit of good news, the gavel hit the desk and off went Ernie Paragallo to jail this week for mis-treatment of his horses. Click on the link to read a Joe Drape report entitled Paragallo Sentenced to Two Years in Jail:

Ernie Paragallo, a prominent horse owner and breeder, was given the maximum sentence of two years in jail and a $33,000 fine on Tuesday, after his conviction on 33 counts of animal cruelty for starving and neglecting horses on his farm in the Hudson Valley.

After a sentencing hearing in Greene County, N.Y., Judge George J. Pulver Jr. delivered the sentence, which will also include restitution to animal rescue groups. Pulver said the amount of the restitution would be determined at a later hearing.

“Your moral compass is out of kilter and points you in improper directions,” Pulver told Paragallo at his sentencing. “Your sense of integrity, your code of conduct, your perception of right and wrong was perhaps formed by your days on either mean streets or Wall Street.”

Don't forget to check out Woodbine's Wednesday evening card tonight. I will be back Friday with a recap of Queen's Plate related entries, results, workouts and more.

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